Making A Difference in the Lives of Children & Families
Affected by Cancer in our Community

About Us

The California Cancer Crusher began in 2012 as a local nonprofit organization whose mission is to make a difference in the lives of children and families affected by cancer in our community. Each member of our organization has a strong passion for supporting our community in the fight against cancer. The California Cancer Crusher’s focus is raising funds to help with the financial burden that cancer places on families. The money raised by our organization supports a variety of cancer-related causes.

More than half of the funds raised each year stays in our local community and is used for the California Cancer Crusher Local Assistance Program, the California Cancer Crusher Scholarship Fund, donations to the Breast and GYN Health Project, St. Jude Children’s Hospital and the American Cancer Society.

How We Started

In 2012 Pete Belak, a cancer survivor himself, through his journey of survivorship created the California Cancer Crusher truck with the mission to make a difference in the lives of children and families in our community. One man ’s passion quickly evolved into a group of enthusiastic volunteers who shared a devotion to making a difference in our community and the California Cancer Crusher team was created. From there the California Cancer Crusher team set in motion plans for moving the California Cancer Crusher’s mission forward and by 2019, the California Cancer Crusher received its 501 (c) (3) status.

The California Cancer Crusher Local Assistance Program is designed to help offset the financial burden cancer places on families.

The California Cancer Crusher Scholarship Fund was established in 2016 by the California Cancer Crusher non-profit organization in memory and support of loved ones that have been affected by cancer. There will be three $1,000 scholarships awarded to graduating seniors within Humboldt County. The application deadline has been extended to April 15, 2023.

California Cancer Crusher Golf Tournament Flyer

The California Cancer Crusher Charity Golf Tournament is approaching! This awesome event has some amazing golf in store and the chance to win $10,000 for a hole-in-one.

Eleventh annual Wings for a Cure Flyer

The annual Wings for a Cure dinner and auction, established 2013, is the California Cancer Crusher’s largest fundraising event with proceeds benefiting the California Cancer Crusher Local Assistance Program, California Cancer Crusher Scholarship Fund, Breast and GYN Health Project, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and the American Cancer Society. It is truly the generosity of our local businesses and our local community who help make Wings for a Cure a success each year. If you are interested in being part of this amazing event or would like more information, please contact the California Cancer Crusher.