The California Cancer Crusher in partnership with Recology is happy to announce the Pink Can, Crushing Cancer One Pink Can at a Time campaign.
The California Cancer Crusher in partnership with Recology is happy to announce the Pink Can, Crushing Cancer One Pink Can at a Time campaign.
This opportunity is currently only available to residents in the Fortuna city limits who subscribe to Recology services.
Reserve your bin today!
With a minimum tax-deductible donation of $100, you can have one of these unique pink bins delivered to your home or business and join in the California Cancer Crusher’s mission of making a difference in the lives of children and families affected by cancer in our community. Thanks to the generosity of Recology, 100% of the proceeds will benefit the California Cancer Crusher. Upgrade to a pink bin today!
By ordering, you are choosing to have Recology replace your gray residual waste bin with either a 20 or 30 gallon pink bin. If Recology damages your bin, it will be replaced at no charge. If the bin is damaged by the customer or stolen, you will need to make another donation to the California Cancer Crusher for a replacement. Pink bins will require an annual donation renewal and supporters must be a Recology customer. Recology services are maintained by Recology and not included in your annual donation. All donations are non-refundable.
“In 2022 while in Vancouver, WA I noticed pink trash bins throughout the community. After some investigation, I discovered it was a cancer awareness campaign. I came back to Humboldt and met with Linda Wise and Frank Nelson at Recology to see if Recology would partner with the California Cancer Crusher on a Pink Can Campaign in Humboldt County. I was overwhelmed by Linda, Frank and Recology’s excitement to partner with us on this project! The Pink Can, Crushing Cancer One Pink Can at a Time campaign will help the California Cancer Crusher further its mission of making a difference in the lives of children and families affected by cancer in our community.” Julie Brimm, California Cancer Crusher Board of Directors.
Proceeds from the Pink Can, Crushing Cancer One Pink Can at a Time campaign will benefit local families through the California Cancer Crushers Local Assistance Program and the California Cancer Crusher’s Scholarship Program.
For more information regarding the Pink Can, Crushing Cancer One Pink Can at a Time campaign contact the California Cancer Crusher at or (707) 498-1083.
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